When you enter the affiliate marketing arena, you have many choices for which types of products youd like to promote. Some people feel they have to choose between digital products or tangible products. But, in actuality, its always best to merge both into your marketing plan.
When you limit yourself to just one type of product, you may actually limit your income potential. But keeping an open mind about the types of products youd like to promote can help you unleash your high earning potential.
Digital products include products such as eBooks, membership sites, and video courses. These products are purchased and available for instant download. You can join an affiliate program such as ClickBank to promote other peoples products or sign up as an affiliate on sites like Amazon to promote tangible products.
You can also create your own membership site where you sell memberships to give members access to specific content in your niche. Inside the members area, you can act as an affiliate and promote other peoples products.
For example, if youre in the weight loss niche, you can promote eBooks on weight loss as well as membership sites for health and fitness. You can also promote tangible products in the niche such as dietary supplements, treadmills, and weight machines.
In this way, you can merge digital with tangible and get the best of both worlds. You wont be limiting yourself to just one type of product plus, youll increase your potential for growing your income.
However, if you choose to just go with one or the other – you can do that. When youre working independently as an affiliate marketer, theres no one set way to do things. You should just know that you might be limiting your income potential if you exclusively choose one type of product to promote.
Affiliate marketing and residual income will have greater potential when you open yourself up to as many opportunities as possible. Its simple math. The more products you have to promote, the more potential commissions you can earn.
If youve already chosen just one type of product to promote, then you might want to think about how you can expand and combine promoting digital and tangible products to maximize your earning potential. In many niches, this is an easy thing to do and can boost your income greatly.
The bottom line is that when it comes to choosing digital versus tangible promotions for affiliate marketing, its always best if you can merge the two. But you always have the choice to limit your promotions if you wish.
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