1. Take Action on things you already know
Every small business owner is full of ideas of things that have worked for their business but they have been forgotten due to everyday business pressure.
Make a list of things that have worked in the past such as a mailing to your customers that produced results, or a competition.
Prioritise them and plan into your diary to carry them out in the next month!
Of course, do it and the sales will come rolling in!
2. Create a customer database
It is incredible how many businesses do not have a record of the people they answered enquiries from or sold to etc. You must have at least their name and email addresses, an ideal bonus would be their telephone number. You must interact with your customers or the competition will and eventually you will be crushed.
In an online business it seems easier to ask for this information but if you feel uncomfortable, offer something like a free entry to a monthly draw for dinner for two or a bottle of champagne, some specific information product, be creative!
3. Invite old customers back
Every business loses customers and very few try to get them back. That is a wasted resource! Because they have purchased from you before they make a great target for you.
You have to find out why they left you, was it service or price. Fix that problem to make them realise that you listen to your customers and that they are important to you.
Write to them and make them a great offer and finish the letter saying that you will call them soon.
Do not forget to make the follow up call!
4. Create Strong offers
Most advertising does not carry a compelling offer. If you create a powerful offer in your advertising you are giving people a reason to call or buy.
Strong offers do not need to be costly but you need to identify something that will be of huge value to them.
Do not use “10% off deals on orders over £100” as they are not perceived to be of great value, use instead a £10 voucher
Some ideas could be free samples, advice, and money off coupons.
5. Differentiate from your competitors.
The marketplace is global nowadays and businesses need to differentiate to compete. Customers have a huge choice in each single market.
Don’t try to differentiate for everyone, it won’t work, instead identify the best customers and offer them a great service. This is called a niche; it is easier to differentiate to a specific type of customer.
A good example of this would be if you are a car part seller, a business where there would be a lot of competition, you could carry the largest stock of Ford parts. This will differentiate you from the competition.
By narrowing your market you actually will get more customers because they will perceive you as a specialist or expert
Hasta la vista ….
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