Well here we go
Review of 2013
- This was a year where procrastination seem to win and I semi abandoned this blog back in April.
- I bought loads of new products instead of concentrating in the good things like Partnership To Success.
- I think moving to Spain affected me more than I originally thought it would.
- I actually missed my profession Accountancy that in reality I started studying since I was 12!
- I did lose 3 stones and started a blog about it, which I am going to launch tomorrow: http://easyhcgweightloss.com
- I’ve learn not to be such a perfectionist as regards to my blog and I will start promoting earlier in the future.
- I should have a plan and stick to it, hence this blog post.
- It is not the hours one works but what one achieves that count
- I met some incredible people through Partnership to Success
My Plans for 2014
In order of execution
- I will work 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday without interruptions and in blocks of 2 hours.
- I will continue with learning and training
- I will not buy any more products.
- Finish the design of this blog (I’ve changed theme and I have not finished the design yet)
- I will start Ultimate Blogging Challenge for this blog by posting a Marketing Daily Tip on this blog, FB Page, Google + page and Twitter. I will record my experience with the ultimate Blogging Challenge on this blog to help people with my experience.
- I will start Ultimate Blogging Challenge tomorrow for my other blog: http://easyhcgweightloss.com and will record my traffic experiences on this blog.
- 6th January I will do the Fan Page Challenge with Sue Worthington and will record my experience here
- Towards the end of January I will start Daniel and Sue’s You Tube Challenge for http://easyhcgweightloss.com and will record my experiences on this blog to help other people.
- I will do any other challenges as they become available.
- I will do a Kindle eBook for my Diet blog
- I will finish Partnership to Success course (overdue) and will publish my first IM Product, after discussing the possibilities with John Thornhill at the first opportunity in January.
- I will help my husband with his new business.
- Last but not least I will Believe, be Happy and forget the Past but not its lessons.
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