Sometimes when youre launching a new business, especially online when youre doing it all alone, it can feel overwhelming not knowing how to find the best path to profits. You have to know how to research niches and products and people and keywords. Its enough to make anyone throw up their hands in frustration.
There are some easy tips that can help you conduct your research online. Researching niches is a piece of cake. What youre looking for is competition. Some people will look at competition and feel like theres no way they could go up against the other sites.
But competition actually means its a healthy niche with room for everyone. If you find a niche that no ones selling in, then it probably means theres no interest in and that should set off warning bells for you.
Look on bookshelves in your local Barnes and Noble and see what non-fiction topics have plenty of resources. Glance at the covers of the womens magazines at the checkout stand the next time you buy groceries.
Youll see everything from insomnia to nutrition and more. Theyre good about showcasing trendy topics, too niches that are just now growing big enough for major publications to pick up on them.
News sites give lots of good insight into trends within a niche, too. Most major news sites like FoxNews and CNN have categories for science, technology, health and more. Look at those to stay abreast of whats happening in your niche.
Also, set up a Google Alert so that you get news and information delivered straight to your inbox whenever something happens or in a digest version if you want to check it sparingly.
Product research is sometimes a bit more in depth. You first want to go to sites like Ubersuggest and see what kinds of things your audience wants to know about the product. Type in the product name or niche topic and get hundreds of results that help steer you in the right direction.
Then, go to the manufacturers website and see what the specs are on the product. You can even download instruction manuals to read more details about it and share that with your visitors.
If its something you can find locally, dont be afraid to go into your store and look at the product and jot down some notes. You can even take some pictures or a video to put on your blog.
Researching people is easy if you trace their social media accounts. Look at their blog and the interaction they have with people (if youre promoting an info product). Look at their Twitter account, their Google Plus and Facebook, too.
Keyword research is a cinch with free and paid tools that are available to you. Ubersuggest again is a great tool, but you can also invest in paid tools like Market Samurai that show you the competition and profit potential of a niche.
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