Contests to Promote Your Blog
Do you want a new and exciting way to promote your blog? If so, there are plenty of potential contests that you can hold for readers to get more people to visit your blog, to make content of your blog more exciting for participants, or even contests that can serve as pure entertainment and idea generation for you as an author. In this article, we will take a quick look at a wide variety of potential contests you could try, including a referral contest, content contest, or even a phrase contest. For best results, try more than one of these.
1. Referral Contest
Have a referral contest. Whoever refers the most people to your forum, blog or email list wins. Participants will often post invitations for visitors to join on their websites. Then, all you have to do is keep track of who, in the referral contest, gets the most visitors to join-up. You could perhaps select a prize that would appeal to your larger blog audience in order to get participants to really up-the-ante when it comes to competition. A referral contest can be very successful if they are run correctly.
2. Content Contest
Content contests are fantastic because they get readers of your blog to generate contests for you. Popular forms of this contest ask participants to submit things like pictures, videos, potential commercial content, ideas for posts, artwork, music, and more. They sky is truly the limit, here. You can then award a prize to the person who generates that most exciting and cool content to the winner of the contest. These contests usually work best when they are somehow related to the topic of your blog, forum, or email list. Even readers who do not participate often love content contests for the exciting things they produce.
3. Phrase Contests
Another popular form of these types of contests are phrase contests. Here, you can just give participants a simple phrase to finish on their own. You can then use the phrases they send in for future content on your blog. You can also choose your favorite of all of them and award a prize. Again, this can often promote your blog because of the neat content it can generate, as well as the fact that people will be interested to know whether or not their phrase won the contest, or if it was posted with the others.
Amanda says
I love the idea of a referral contest! I think that I will implement it soon into a project soon! Thanks!
Alana says
I had been thinking of having some kind of giveaway on my blog as I am coming up on its 5th anniversary in April. I do like the idea of a content contest, though, because I think people get more excited if they have a personal stake. For my blog, it might be photography. I’ll need to give this some more thought.
Liliana says
I am glad I gave you some ideas
Kevin says
What interesting ideas to promote your blog. The content contest sounds like a good plan, will have to put that on the list of future things to do to promote my blog! Thank you for the idea.
Liliana says
Watch this space as my next 4 posts are about contests