Whenever affiliates are just starting out, or questioning the direction they already took, they start wondering if a broad or narrow niche is the best way to go. Theres actually no right or wrong answer, but you have to know how to tackle the two different strategies.
If you go with a broad niche, it means you have to have fantastic organization of the sub-niches. Its very possible to do, but it will take time to rank well in the search engines for the broad spectrum of topics.
So lets say you decided to tackle the childrens toy niche. You could have a general toy site, but youd still need to organize the content into things like toys based on age, gender, materials, brands, indoor versus outdoor, etc.
Or, you could go with a narrow approach in your niche. This makes it really easy for you to rank quicker with an authority site. For example, TopToysfor1YearOldGirls.com that was fully focused on toys for this age and gender would probably become an authority site rapidly for those searching for that topic.
Either way you choose broad or narrow you can work your way back over time. So if you choose a broad niche, you can work over time to dig into the narrow levels and provide expertise there for your affiliate income.
If you choose a narrow niche, like the one listed above, you could branch out and create a bunch of narrow sites and then eventually link them to a main site. For example, you could create a TopToysFor2YearOldGirls.com, 7 year olds, 13 year olds, etc. Once complete, you could then create a main TopToysForGirls.com site that linked them all together.
Dont worry if youve started out the wrong way because eventually, your goal is to have complete domination in a niche. You have to look at this from a long-term perspective, not what will help you make the most amount of money in 30 days.
The great thing about both niches is that you can search for keywords that will help guide you in the type of content that you want to create. Over time, you may want to move from free keyword tools to the paid versions that give you more information about the kind of edge you can expect to have over the competition if you rank well for them.
Pick whichever strategy you feel more comfortable with right now broad or narrow and then if you want to move into a new direction, you can do that without any problems down the road.
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